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Your Completion


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Walking through your Glorious Day, Deep within your Heart, Lives the Presence That You Are. In your Heart space lives a constant living Stream of Love and Divinity, that is Always “Within” You. This is your Portal, and your Connection to Your Immortal Body of Light, Your Soul.

Living Fully as the Divine Being that you are, consciously, through your Presence, requires the Full Attention of Your thoughts, brought into Harmony through Your Heart. When your Emotional and Mental Body are in Harmony, so too then, is your Physical and Spiritual Body in Harmony.

Harmony is Union, and when All is in Harmony within You, your experience and your Reality becomes a Harmonious Flow of Pure Being. It is Effortless Living. It is Mastery of Form. It is You living as Your Divinity. It is You in the New Creation.

The Use of Your Free will is the Sacred use of Your Energy as the “Creator of Your Experience” and Your Reality. What you focus most prominently on, you experience more and more.

Consciousness itself “IS THE EXPERIENCE” of All That Is. Creation is Creative and there are many ways to Deeply Experience Reality. In your Own Mastery Dear Souls is the Free Will Choice to “Decide” How you will use Your Focus to create your experiences, to create your Reality.

Living Fully In your Heart, is the Full Mastery of Duality, your completion. Living Fully in Your Heart is You Living as Your Divinity, Now. The Completion of All Beings in Duality is the Movement of consciousness and Focus to a New Way of Being, through the Heart. This New Way already Exists within You and was always Available to You. This is the Receptive Principle of the Divine Feminine, and it is the Victory that has Always Been for You.

You are Shifting from One way of consciously Being in Form to a New Way, that is Free from Suffering. The Process you are going through may appear as Moments of Freedom in Non-Duality and then thrust back again deep into Duality. You are simply completing old Patterns that you agreed to complete during your Incarnation. These are Old patterns are from many of your incarnations, held in your Cellular Memory, as Karmic Traces. These Karmic Traces are Dissolving themselves and leaving your Cellular Structure. Your Form is Changing, preparing you for Your New Birth, For Your Ascension. The Change begins within Your Conscious Awareness. As You Become accustomed to Living from Your Heart Space, you become Free as a Master of Form. Free as Divinity Itself, experiencing Itself. Free as Your Presence. This is your Transcending Duality.

Letting go of  Appearances out there, that you held as the basis of  “What Your Reality Is”  and your FULLY Consciously Choosing to Direct your Attention and Focus of your Awareness (through the use of your free will) to “within  Your Heart Space” as the NEW basis of “What Your Reality Is Through Your Heart” is YOUR MASTERY of Form. IS YOUR COMPLETION.  You are deciding Moment to Moment, what you are choosing, through the use of your Free Will. It is YOU choosing.

Waking up is the conscious Awareness “OF What You Are Choosing” in EVERY Moment!

Wake up to What you are Creating.

Wake up to What you are Doing and How you are Using your Energy.

Wake Up to How you are using Your Free Will.

Wake Up and Live In Your Sacred Heart Space Now. Choose over and over in every Moment, to Wake Up and Truly See.

Your Victory Is At Hand! Your Completion is At Hand! Your Living Fully in Your Heart is At Hand! The end of Your Suffering is At Hand!

As You live in your Heart, your Full Mastery is Yours. You will Enter Fully the New Creation and Live Fully as the Divinity That You Are.

Do All that You can to stay Focused with Your Heart. Be in Harmony. In Harmony your Transformation will be with Ease and Grace. Open Your Heart wide, to Receive Dear Souls! Live in Your Heart.

Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions that Will Move your Conscious awareness to your Heart Space, to Your Divinity, to Your Eternal Freedom and The Union Your Soul Desires!

As Always from the Beginning Before Time Began Dear Souls, Was the Victory that Was for You! You have always been held as the Masters of Form, that You are. As the Divine Humans that You are! I love You Dear Souls! I Am the Victory that is For You! I Am Victoria Elohim! I Am!


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



For MORE information on the Birthing of The New Creation Please go to:

http://www.iamthequeenoflight.com and read the Archives, here are some links to a few of The New Creation Posts:




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To Order the Angelic Human Activation, The Starseed Activation, Twin Soul Activation, Blueprint Activation, 12 Strand DNA Activation, Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

http://www.pleiadiandelegate.com/ http://www.thequeenoflight.com

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2014.




Tagged: Alchemical Transfiguration, alchemy, Ascension, awakening, Central Sun, Divine Love, Divine Union, DNA, I AM Presence, Immortal Body of Light, Living in your Heart, New Creation, Pleiadian Delegate, Queen of Light, Shift in Consciousness, Surrender, unconditional Love, Victoria Elohim, Victory

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